777 E. 5th Avenue
PO Box 495
Calvert City, KY 42029
(270) 395-4727
© Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men's Fraternal organization with a primary function of Charity, Unity, Fraternity & Patriotism.
The main purpose is Charity.
The Knights have a monthly meeting that begins with prayer. The main meeting business is to determine which Marshall County charity need we are able to support at that time. The total available funds come from sale of Fish dinner on each Friday of Lent and our Charity Golf tournament on the first Saturday in June.
On a yearly average we earn and donate eight to ten thousand dollars. We have an additional special weekend fund raising one weekend each year that collects an average of $2000, all of which goes to Marshall County Exceptional Center.
For more information or to join, please contact Philip Scheidegger:
(270) 331-1445
Visit the Knights of Columbus website:
777 E. 5th Avenue
PO Box 495
Calvert City, KY 42029
(270) 395-4727
© Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved
Scripture Reading/Listening
Open to all wanting to read and hear the inspired word of God. Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m.-11 a.m. Meets at St. Anthony of Padua. Please contact Judy Forsythe (612) 245-3636 for additional information.
Bereavement Council
Help provide meals following a funeral.
Volunteers needed for St. Pius X. Please contact the Parish office at (270) 395-4727
Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry Group meets every 3rd Sunday of the month in the parish hall. We gather for food, faith, fun and fellowship. We pray together and find ways to help one another. All women of all faiths are welcome. Look in the bulletin for our next meeting date and time.
Arts & Entertainment
Volunteers needed to assist in setup and take down of decorations and/or care for the flowers or plants in the worship area. Help with seasonal liturgical decorating of the church building. Please contact Paula Schmidt: (270) 395-4727
Garden Ministry
Volunteers needed to tend the St. Pius X Parish garden. Please contact the parish office: (270) 395-4727 for additional information or to volunteer.
Quilters for A Cause
Please contact Georgia Bradshaw: (270) 362-0055 or Dolly Bardsley: (270) 909-2146, for additional information. Meets at St. Anthony of Padua Parish Hall.
Music Ministry
St. Pius X: Choir Practice (open to all). Most Tuesdays following 6 p.m. Mass, and most Fridays at 5 p.m. Please contact Danny Padgett: (270) 205-1028, for additional information.
Altar Server (Acolyte)
Ages 9 through adult. Training is mandatory.
Eucharistic Minister
Assists in the distribution of the Eucharist at weekend Masses, to the homebound, to nursing home patients, or to hospital patients. You can register for whichever ministry you prefer. Training is provided.
Gives the readings and prayer petitions. Training is provided.
Gift Bearer
Brings the gifts of bread and wine to the altar during the weekend Masses. Good opportunities for families to participate.
Assist with seating, take up collection, and distribute bulletins. Training is provided.
Welcome and Greet all who come to attend weekend Masses.
Before Mass Preparation. Unlock the church, turn on lights and the microphone system, adjust the thermostat, and prepare water, wine, and hosts. Make sure servers, ushers, readers, Eucharistic ministers are present before Mass. After Mass, make sure things are cleaned and put away, lights are turned off, microphone is off, and doors are locked. A checklist is available for all duties to be performed.
Other Parish Volunteers
Money Counters:
Count the money received during weekend collections after the Sunday Mass. Make a deposit at the local bank. Orientation is provided.